
Selected themes for the DICCT-2025 proceedings are mainly comprising of the topics focusing on the new trends in the field of Device Intelligence, Computing and Communication Technologies. 

DICCT-2025 does not include any non-engineering topics outside the scope of IEEE Xplore.  When submitting papers, the topics must be within the scope of the conference and failure to meet this requirement could result in a rejection of your paper.

Following are the topics to be included in call for paper:

Device Intelligence

  1. Electronic Devices
  2. VLSI Design
  3. Biosensors and Bioelectronics
  4. Opto-Electronic Devices
  5. RF MEMS devices
  6. Flexible Electronics
  7. Actuators, Sensing Devices
  8. Smart Electronic Materials
  9. Sensor technologies

Computing Technologies

  • Embedded Systems
  • Intelligent Robotics
  • Internet of Things and its applications
  • Artificial Intelligence and applications
  • Soft Computing
  • Neural Network and Machine Learning
  • Speech Signal Processing
  • Image and Video Processing
  • Biomedical Signal computing
  • Convex Optimization
  • Metaheuristic Optimization techniques and applications

Next generation Communication and Networking

  • MIMO Systems
  • 5G and beyond communication technologies
  • Advances in Microwave Communications
  • Wireless sensors and Ad Hoc Networks
  • Antenna design for advance communication systems
  • Vehicular Communications and Networks
  • Software Defined Radio
  • Cognitive Radio and Spectrum Management
  • Intelligent Protocols for Communication Systems and Networks
  • Machine-to-Machine Communications
  • Communication Networks

Submission Rules

  • All the papers submitted to the conference should be written in English with the maximum page length of 4 – 6 printed pages (10pt font) in double column IEEE Conference
  • Authors should submit their original unpublished work in PDF/MS Word format to DICCT-2025.
  • Papers already submitted to other conferences/journals are not allowed.
  • Submission should strictly follow the recommended IEEE conference template, which can be found here (https://www.ieee.org/conferences/publishing/templates.html).
  • The decision regarding the acceptance of a paper is at the discretion of the Technical Program Committee.
  • Please note that the authors will need to register their email with Microsoft CMT for submitting papers.
  • The similarity score of the paper should not be more than 15%.

Publication Ethics

  • Every paper submitted to the DICCT-2025 will be checked for plagiarism by using anti-plagiarism software (Turnitin), before being sent to a pre-conference review. Authors should observe high standards with respect to publication ethics. Falsification or fabrication of data, plagiarism, including duplicate publication of the author’s own work without proper citation, and misappropriation of the work are all unacceptable.

For more details, please refer to IEEE Web Page on Plagiarism through the following link: https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/plagiarism/plagiarism.html

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